Z-axis for the two TRAPs. The Calcitonin (salmon) web 12-mer has larger external (entire subunit) fluctuations than the 11-mer, while the internal (intra-subunit) fluctuation is larger in the 11-mer than in the 12-mer. The 12-mer places the wave nodes at the subunit interfaces, giving the inter-subunit motions resulting in the overall ring motions. On the other hand, the 11-mer must have wave nodes situated within the subunit core regions causing large internal buy 4-IBP deformations particularly in the loop regions.DiscussionThe vibrational dynamics of the two TRAPs, the wild-type 11mer and the engineered 12-mer, were investigated by focusing on their differences in rotational symmetry. First, the normal mode analysis of the perfectly symmetric TRAP system with the group theoretical approach showed that the normal modes on the ring can be viewed as a 11967625 stationary wave characterized by 2 {1?wave nodes, and that the low frequency normal modes tended to select relatively soft regions, the subunit interfaces, as the wave nodes. Because 2 {1?is commensurable with 12 but not with 11, the wave nodes were located at the subunit interfaces in the 12-mer, but were frequently situated at the rigid core region of the subunits in the 11-mer. This observation was utilized to study the thermally-fluctuating pseudo-symmetric systems through fullyatomistic MD simulations. In the MD snapshots, we observed similar vibrational motions as in the normal modes. In particular, large subunit interfacial deformations in the 12-mer caused larger displacements of entire subunits (external fluctuation), while in the 11-mer, wave modes located at the subunit cores caused larger intra-subunit deformations (internal fluctuation). Generalization of these observations leads to a hypothesis that ring-form proteins of higher symmetry, with a highly composite number of subunits, undergo relatively large global deformations of the ring, and conversely that ring-form proteins with a prime number of subunits show large intra-subunit fluctuations. Each ring type may be particularly suited for different purposes where flexibility or rigidity is advantageous. In terms of a static view of the stability of ring proteins, symmetry itself may not be a determinant of the stability. The smaller population of the 12-mer TRAP compared with the 11mer is primarily attributed to subtle differences in the inter-subunit interactions. Antson et al. [32] recently found that B. halodurans TRAP exclusively forms a 12-mer ring. The crystal structure of the 12-mer B. halodurans TRAP showed the C-terminal residues with a conformation different from 1407003 those of the 11-mer TRAP of B. subtilis or B. stearothermophilus, which forms different interactions with the adjacent subunit allowing an increase in the diameter of the ring [32]. However, the present study shows that symmetry significantly influences dynamics, and should be another imporFigure 10. Decomposition of the subunit fluctuations into intra and external fluctuations. Intra and external (translational and rotational) subunit fluctuations in the z-axis are shown for the two TRAPs. The internal fluctuation was calculated after the superposition of each subunit onto its average structure, and the translational fluctuation was calculated by the variance of the center of mass of the subunit. The fluctuation of the rotation was estimated by subtracting the internal and translational contributions from the sum of the fluctuations without superimposing the subunit. doi:10.1371/journal.Z-axis for the two TRAPs. The 12-mer has larger external (entire subunit) fluctuations than the 11-mer, while the internal (intra-subunit) fluctuation is larger in the 11-mer than in the 12-mer. The 12-mer places the wave nodes at the subunit interfaces, giving the inter-subunit motions resulting in the overall ring motions. On the other hand, the 11-mer must have wave nodes situated within the subunit core regions causing large internal deformations particularly in the loop regions.DiscussionThe vibrational dynamics of the two TRAPs, the wild-type 11mer and the engineered 12-mer, were investigated by focusing on their differences in rotational symmetry. First, the normal mode analysis of the perfectly symmetric TRAP system with the group theoretical approach showed that the normal modes on the ring can be viewed as a 11967625 stationary wave characterized by 2 {1?wave nodes, and that the low frequency normal modes tended to select relatively soft regions, the subunit interfaces, as the wave nodes. Because 2 {1?is commensurable with 12 but not with 11, the wave nodes were located at the subunit interfaces in the 12-mer, but were frequently situated at the rigid core region of the subunits in the 11-mer. This observation was utilized to study the thermally-fluctuating pseudo-symmetric systems through fullyatomistic MD simulations. In the MD snapshots, we observed similar vibrational motions as in the normal modes. In particular, large subunit interfacial deformations in the 12-mer caused larger displacements of entire subunits (external fluctuation), while in the 11-mer, wave modes located at the subunit cores caused larger intra-subunit deformations (internal fluctuation). Generalization of these observations leads to a hypothesis that ring-form proteins of higher symmetry, with a highly composite number of subunits, undergo relatively large global deformations of the ring, and conversely that ring-form proteins with a prime number of subunits show large intra-subunit fluctuations. Each ring type may be particularly suited for different purposes where flexibility or rigidity is advantageous. In terms of a static view of the stability of ring proteins, symmetry itself may not be a determinant of the stability. The smaller population of the 12-mer TRAP compared with the 11mer is primarily attributed to subtle differences in the inter-subunit interactions. Antson et al. [32] recently found that B. halodurans TRAP exclusively forms a 12-mer ring. The crystal structure of the 12-mer B. halodurans TRAP showed the C-terminal residues with a conformation different from 1407003 those of the 11-mer TRAP of B. subtilis or B. stearothermophilus, which forms different interactions with the adjacent subunit allowing an increase in the diameter of the ring [32]. However, the present study shows that symmetry significantly influences dynamics, and should be another imporFigure 10. Decomposition of the subunit fluctuations into intra and external fluctuations. Intra and external (translational and rotational) subunit fluctuations in the z-axis are shown for the two TRAPs. The internal fluctuation was calculated after the superposition of each subunit onto its average structure, and the translational fluctuation was calculated by the variance of the center of mass of the subunit. The fluctuation of the rotation was estimated by subtracting the internal and translational contributions from the sum of the fluctuations without superimposing the subunit. doi:10.1371/journal.